I believe that the sanest of people sometimes say the craziest things and that certifiably crazy people sometimes makes the most sense. And that I may be one of those people...in both instances.
I don't believe in reincarnation. I also believe that in a previous life, I could have been a Highlander (complete with billowing trench coat, celtic broad sword, and spidey senses)
I think that the Tooth Fairy is a shameless bandit and that a tooth should be worth at least five bucks instead of some loose change, that if all aliens looked like Travis Fimmel nobody would ever again fear world domination, and that at the end of the rainbow, instead of a pot of gold there is a barrel with a never-ending supply of Twinkies.
Sometimes I miss the days when I knew a dish towel tied around your neck made you a super hero, that slippers worn on your hands instead of your feet somehow made you aerodynamic, and that wonder twin powers really could be activated by ruby red Ring Pops.
I don't believe in the Boogeyman or the Monster in the Closet, but I do believe in the Thing Under the Bed. Which is why to this day, I cannot sleep without my feet being tucked safely under the covers, even though I know in my rational adult mind none of it is actually real. Still, just in case...
I believe that if there really are aliens, they are slowly but surely taking over the world one reality TV show at a time. (and I sort of blame Alec Balwin and that "Hulu" thing...)
I also think it's more ridiculous to believe that aliens don't exist than to believe that even though we are only one race of beings on one planet in one solar system of billions, we are the only forms of intelligent life.
I think contradictions can absolutely exist in a rational world and because of that, I also believe in The Theory of Evolution, Adam and Eve, Pac Man, Guitar Hero, black auras, going "green", free speech, paid programming, 700 page novels, 32 GB ipods, Wicca, Christianity, The King James Bible, The Microsoft Access Bible, Stephen King, Stephen Colbert, The Cat in the Hat, President Obama, Edward Cullen, and The Great Pumpkin. (Amen)
Most days I believe we control our own destiny, that fate is a fable created to entertain hopeless romantics, and that "the crossroads" only exist to lend credence to an old myth about a scary lady with three heads and absolutely no sense of direction. And some days, I believe Dean Koontz when he said "...each of us, depending on the faith we embrace, continues to survive either by the merciful sufferance of God, or at the whim of blind chance and indifferent nature."
These things I know for sure: I intake way too much caffeine and red meat and not enough Vitamin C, I swear more than is absolutely necessary or appropriate, that being "appropriate" is sometimes really annoying, and on any given day, the only things I adore with absolute certainty are my yellow duckie pen and David Archuleta.
I believe that thoughts are living things, that we often times get what we ask for whether we actually wanted it or not, and that there are good angels and fallen angels all around us and names hold power, so be careful who you call to and what you wish for...it just might come to you.
Sometimes I think people are afraid to speak their mind because they are afraid of offending others and in turn, of being alone. I don't think this is cowardly, but I do think it's a sad waste of time. Which is why I think Carlos Mencia, his racially centered but completely honest and hilarious comedy, and "if you ain't laughing, you ain't living" motto are awesome, because sometimes? Pointing out our differences just reinforces the fact that life is simultaneously entertaining and frustrating, and that God has a great sense of humor.
I think wishing on shooting stars is as arbitrary as scrying in your morning Starbucks selection, that people who say TV turns your brain to mush are obviously not watching NCIS or The Daily Show, and that sometimes all you really need is to say "screw it" and do what you want to do instead of what you feel others think you should do. Because you only live once (unless you believe in that whole reincarnation thing and also think you may have been a Highlander...)
I believe in magic and the power of prayer, and that it's perfectly acceptable to have faith in both at the same time.
I really do want world peace, to own a Martin acoustic guitar even though I'd probably just look at it more than I would ever play it, and to have my very own Vane (and if you don't know who that is or why I want one, I believe you really should start reading some Sherrilyn Kenyon. Seriously.)
**I also believe if you made it through this whole post, you deserve some of those shiny gold stars. Go get some. And while you're at it, get me some coffee??
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